Thursday, September 15, 2011

Man oh man!

So school has finally started and I'm personally surprised at how busy it's been keeping me. It hasn't even been a week yet! Work has been the same minus a few hours (now that I started school I'm only working part time) but I can't complain. At least I have a job right? My bed and I have slowly been growing distant due to homework and our meals have consisted of cereal and some Halloween candy Peter picked up at Wal-Mart. I'm praying we don't die by Thanksgiving due to malnutrition hahaha! Oh and did I mention that I've killed about 50,000,000 spiders since I've been here? Okay, more like 5...and they aren't the cute little tiny ones that you find every once in a while. These things are HUGE! We've set up some traps but they still like to come out and laugh at us, that is until I stomp on them 20 times...suckers...
Other than that, things have been great! Despite being incredibly busy, Peter and I still find time to sit and relax and realize how lucky we are to have each other. Only been married one and half months and we still get butterflies:) but don't tell the spiders!


  1. Haha oh Norma I feel for you on the spiders we have the SAME STUPID problem! Oh how I hate them! Oh and one more thing: please don't die before I get back, I want to see you =)

  2. I can't wait to see you! That's why these little demons need to GO! The last thing I need is a spider to bite my neck and suck my blood! Oh wait...those are vampires...and they don't exist...

    I can't wait to see you!

  3. We had that same problem. We asked our landlord about it and he sprayed poison around the perimeter of the house... it has worked really well so far so I would suggest trying it :)

    P.s. The butterflies never leave :)

  4. Sorry about the spiders! That's no fun...

    That's the wonderful thing about a true and eternal marriage... the butterflies stay there forever. Love it! :)
